You have the vision for your end-game, a mastery of your field, and the passion to make a difference.
In navigating legal issues, you remain in the driver’s seat, but have an experienced advocate by your side.
Expert. Self-Reliant. Visionary.

Get a beautiful contract now.
So things don’t get ugly later.™
Before you sign any document, stop. Understand the contract you have or create the contract you need, to maximize performance.
DETAILSPurchase or Sell a Business
Don’t Just Sign It. Understand It.™
The sale of a business can be deceptively complex. From due diligence to closing, complete a thorough review of all terms between seller and buyer.
DETAILSProtecting Trademarks
In love with your Trademark? Don’t risk a bad break up.™
Your trademarks and brand are valuable business assets. Strategic legal action can ensure that your unique intellectual property is protected.
Legal Advice should Free your Soul, not Crush it.™
Congrats. Your creativity or copyrighted works are in demand and you’ve been given a contract. Whether you need behind-the-scenes translation or an up-front advocate, understand your rights before you sign.
DETAILSSmall Business: First 90 Days
Your Small business includes a Big Dream. Be a Star & Protect it. ™
Solid legal decisions in the early days of forming a new business lay a strong foundation for success and protection from future risk. Plan now.
DETAILSWills & Revocable Living Trusts
You Took Control in Life. Why Stop Now?™
Imagine your vision for your legacy being honored by a court after your death. This can be achieved if you create a Will or Revocable Living Trust during your lifetime. Implement your plan today.